Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We can control the High Blood Pressure in Natural Way

They have more control over the destiny of your blood pressure to realize. High blood pressure is inevitable. Prehistoric people were not there. If you spend 30 minutes a day outdoors, lose weight and cut out processed foods contain a lot of salt, your blood pressure is likely to disappear.

Frozen To this end, if you have hypertension, consumption of all processes to stop, and fast food. This means no more trips to McDonald 's or the like, potato-chip binge eating, appetizers and frozen foods. All these foods are rich in sodium. Canned vegetables should be avoided, but if you have a lot to eat. Looking for a chicken broth low sodium and have cooked versions of broths, soups, crackers and other foods.

If these measures do not reduce your blood pressure, stress can be as high blood pressure is to drive. A change in your circumstances, this can not help but be realistic.

Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary means. You have to go beyond our usual repertoire, techniques to address these pressures are elevated, including muscle relaxation, deep breathing, find, and yoga. Transcendental Meditation is a spiritual process requires deep concentration and focus to promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve the overall quality of life has proven not only to promote relaxation, but also to effectively reduce blood pressure. Other methods, such as Mindfulness Based stress reduction to reduce anxiety and stress and is likely to be effective in lowering blood pressure.

Exercise can also display a large extent to reduce blood pressure. 109 Research shows that blood pressure in the normal course of 75% of people with lower blood pressure decrease of 11 mm Hg systolic and 8 mm Hg diastolic pressure. These reductions are not clinically significant, as the 25% reduction in heart attacks due to the decrease in blood pressure demonstrated. Aerobic exercise is better for blood pressure as resistance. The positive effects of exercise on blood pressure observed during the first 24 hours after training, and away 1-2 weeks after the last point of the exercise. The effects of moderate exercise (eg medium three times) to walk 30 minutes a week is as good as strenuous exercise, and is safer for previously sedentary subjects (vigorous exercise before sometimes had to take the shape of a heart attack) causes.

So what is all that remains to get your blood pressure do not use drugs? First things first. Cut sodium from your diet. Whether you have your own food whenever possible, to do therapy, canned and frozen foods are sodium-filled, such as meals foods. For moderate exercise, walking 30 minutes three times a week. Try to reduce stress or meditation. Stop smoking. Do not drink alcohol to excess.

When these changes fail to reduce your blood pressure may need medication. Work with your doctor about what is best for you. As I've written and some of the cheaper medicines (diuretics), even better than the work of new drugs that cost much more.


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